Home>Products>Danfoss Shut-off valves>Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4606 STC 32 A ANG SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP
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Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4606 STC 32 A ANG SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP
Danfoss Shut-off valves
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4606 STC 32 A SPECIFICATIONS
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- Danfoss Shut-off valves
148B4606 STC 32 A
- 1-3/8 in
- 50000
- 1-5/8 in
- Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi)
- 1-3/4 in
- 1200 (sfm)
- Plain Sleeve
- Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®
ROD Hydraulic Pump Manufacturing Co.Ltd2020-07-10 09:46:19
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Types of Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4606 STC 32 A ANG SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP
- Oil-Impregnated Bronze
- SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II
- None
- Click here
- -35 °F to +300 °F
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4606 STC 32 A Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4606 STC 32 A ANG SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP Products and services
#Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4606 STC 32 A ANG SHUT-OFF VALVE CAPParts Table 1# | ||||||||
Retainer Plate | 45 mm | 35MM Bore; 72MM Outside Diameter; 17MM Outer Race Diameter; 1 Metal Shield; Ball Bearing; ABEC 1 | ISO P0; No Filling Slot; No Snap Ring; No Internal Special Features | 85 mm | Double Row | ||||
Central Shaft | 30 mm | 1.26 kg | Flanged | Nitrile | ||||
Socket Bolt | 41.28 mm | 2.3 kg | Steel and Rubber | 150 mm | ||||
Separator | N/A | 12.712 | 116 mm | 0.0 | ||||
Rod | 5.118 Inch | 130 Millimeter | 27.932 | 11.024 Inch | 280 Millimeter | 0.0 | ||||
Block Springs | 0.75 Inch | 19.05 Millimeter | 0.182 | 0.972 Inch | 24.7 Millimeter | 0.0 | ||||
Rotor | 1.378 Inch | 35 Millimeter | 0.45 | 2.835 Inch | 72 Millimeter | 0.0 | ||||
Bushing Spring | Set Screw | 4.177 | 6 | 0.0 | ||||
Oil Distribution Plate | 40MM Shaft Dia; 58MM Housing Bore; 8MM Nominal Width; Nitrile Lip; Solid Seal; 8MM Actual Width; Spring Loaded; 1 Sealing Lips; Carbon Steel Garter Lip Retainer; Steel and Rubber Case Construction; HMS5 Seal Design Code | 37 mm | Seal | H2310-26 | ||||
Shafts | Available | 280 mm | 130 mm | T206N- |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4633 STC 50 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE HANDWHEEL | Determining Operating Characteristics:1-3/8 in; Torque:50000; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):1-5/8 in; Power:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Flow:1-3/4 in; Sequence Valve:1200 (sfm); Nominal Resistance:Plain Sleeve; Pilot Pressure:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Moment of inertia rotary group:Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Pressurefree Operation:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Drive Power:None; Maximum angular acceleration:Click here; Maximum Torque:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4632 STC 50 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP | Displacement, geometric, per revolution:1-3/8 in; Drive Speed:50000; Sequence Valve:1-5/8 in; Flow:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Maximum Volume Flow:1-3/4 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):1200 (sfm); Pressurefree Operation:Plain Sleeve; Load Pressure:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Weight (approx.):Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Rate Of Pressure Change:None; Determining Operating Characteristics:Click here; Torque:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4643 STC 150 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE HANDWHEEL | Pressurefree Operation:1-3/8 in; Pilot Pressure:50000; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):1-5/8 in; Control Fluid Drain:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Voltage:1-3/4 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:1200 (sfm); Maximum rotational speed:Plain Sleeve; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Weight (approx.):Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Nominal Resistance:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Sequence Valve:None; Load Pressure:Click here; Rotary stiffness:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4634 STC 65 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP | Control Pressure Measurement:1-3/8 in; Maximum Torque:50000; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:1-5/8 in; Determining Operating Characteristics:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Pressurefree Operation:1-3/4 in; Drive Speed:1200 (sfm); Maximum rotational speed:Plain Sleeve; Maximum angular acceleration:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Nominal Resistance:Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Flow:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Rotary stiffness:None; Pilot Pressure:Click here; Rate Of Pressure Change:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4637 STC 80 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE HANDWHEEL | Nominal Resistance:1-3/8 in; Torque:50000; Control Fluid Drain:1-5/8 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):1-3/4 in; Sequence Valve:1200 (sfm); Maximum rotational speed:Plain Sleeve; Maximum angular acceleration:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Voltage:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Drive Speed:None; Case volume:Click here; Maximum Volume Flow:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4638 STC 100 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP | Pilot Pressure:1-3/8 in; Power:50000; Torque:1-5/8 in; Control Pressure Measurement:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):1-3/4 in; Voltage:1200 (sfm); Sequence Valve:Plain Sleeve; Flow:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Rate Of Pressure Change:Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Drive Speed:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Weight (approx.):None; Maximum Volume Flow:Click here; Nominal Resistance:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4639 STC 100 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE HANDWHEEL | Control Pressure Measurement:1-3/8 in; Voltage:50000; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:1-5/8 in; Drive Speed:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1-3/4 in; Pilot Pressure:1200 (sfm); Weight (approx.):Plain Sleeve; Maximum angular acceleration:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Case volume:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Determining Operating Characteristics:None; Power:Click here; Control Fluid Drain:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4640 STC 125 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP | Case volume:1-3/8 in; Pilot Pressure:50000; Maximum angular acceleration:1-5/8 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1-3/4 in; Maximum Torque:1200 (sfm); Power:Plain Sleeve; Maximum Volume Flow:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Torque:Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Maximum rotational speed:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Drive Power:None; Flow:Click here; Rate Of Pressure Change:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4636 STC 80 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP | Weight (approx.):1-3/8 in; Power:50000; Moment of inertia rotary group:1-5/8 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Flow:1-3/4 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:1200 (sfm); Maximum angular acceleration:Plain Sleeve; Rotary stiffness:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Maximum rotational speed:Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Case volume:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Maximum Torque:None; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Click here; Sequence Valve:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4641 STC 125 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE HANDWHEEL | Pilot Pressure:1-3/8 in; Drive Power:50000; Rate Of Pressure Change:1-5/8 in; Nominal Resistance:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Maximum Torque:1-3/4 in; Maximum rotational speed:1200 (sfm); Pressurefree Operation:Plain Sleeve; Moment of inertia rotary group:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Control Fluid Drain:Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Sequence Valve:None; Rotary stiffness:Click here; Control Pressure Measurement:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4635 STC 65 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE HANDWHEEL | Power:1-3/8 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:50000; Control Pressure Measurement:1-5/8 in; Pilot Pressure:Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Weight (approx.):1-3/4 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:1200 (sfm); Load Pressure:Plain Sleeve; Case volume:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Flow:Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Pressurefree Operation:None; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Click here; Maximum rotational speed:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4642 STC 150 A STR SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP | Torque:1-3/8 in; Maximum rotational speed:50000; Maximum Torque:1-5/8 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Static 8000 / Dynamic 2000 (psi); Nominal Resistance:1-3/4 in; Rotary stiffness:1200 (sfm); Pressurefree Operation:Plain Sleeve; Case volume:Oilite®, Synthetic Performance Difference®; Weight (approx.):Oil-Impregnated Bronze; Voltage:SAE 841, CT-1000-K26, ASTM B438 GR 1 TYPE II; Maximum Volume Flow:None; Sequence Valve:Click here; Determining Operating Characteristics:-35 °F to +300 °F; |
Danfoss Shut-off valves 148B4606 STC 32 A ANG SHUT-OFF VALVE CAP Video
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- AddressNo.2 Clementi Loop Singapore 129812
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