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Rexroth 4WE10Y5X/EG24N9K4/M Solenoid directional valve MODELS
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Rexroth 4WE10Y5X/EG24N9K4/M Solenoid directional valve
Rexroth Solenoid directional valve
Rexroth 4WE10Y5X/EG24N9K4/M Solenoid directional valve SPECIFICATIONS
Rexroth 4WE10Y5X/EG24N9K4/M Solenoid directional valve ROD Hydraulic Pump Manufacturing Co.Ltd Warehouse offers car parts and car accessories. We Oil-Filled Grooves groove/plug type: sell 5/8 in D discount Rexroth Solenoid directional valve online as well as cheap machinery parts.
- 0.3125 in
- Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated
- 22 °
- Unlubricated
- 0.6870 in
- 0.8750 in
- Female Threaded with Male Stud
- 0.3120 in
ROD Hydraulic Pump Manufacturing Co.Ltd2020-07-10 09:46:19
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Rexroth 4WE10Y5X/EG24N9K4/M Solenoid directional valve Codes and sizes
- 5/16-24
- 0.4370 in
- Right Hand
- 1.3750 in
- Economy/General Purpose
- SAEJ1120
- With Lubrication Fitting
- CF
- Carbon Steel - Corrosion Resistant Plating
Rexroth 4WE10Y5X/EG24N9K4/M Solenoid directional valve Code system
#Rexroth 4WE10Y5X/EG24N9K4/M Solenoid directional valveParts Table 1# | ||||||||
Valve Plates | 230 mm | 130 mm | 64 mm | 530 kN | ||||
Ball Guides | 546.1 mm | 390.525 mm | 428.625 mm | 64 | ||||
Coil Spring | 125 mm | 100 mm | 13 mm | 19,6 kN | ||||
Swash Plate Assy | 45.0 | 100x125x13 | 22320-e1-k-fag | 7 | ||||
Pump Right Rotating Group | 1.4961 in | 16600 kN | 0.5310 in | 600 | ||||
Variable Piston | 2.3125 in | 1.5630 in | 0.4370 in | KP-BS | ||||
Swash Plate Assemblies | 215mm | 100mm | 73mm | 2000 r/min | ||||
Rod | Not Rated | 19,05 mm | 31 mm | 5850 kN | ||||
Piston Sets | 620 mm | 420 mm | 150 mm | 150 mm | ||||
Disc Springs | 620 | 32 | 0,48 Kg | NANO-SW-Max |
Rexroth WE6.........3X/....../B10 B12 B15 Solenoid directional valve | Pressurefree Operation:0.3125 in; Rotary stiffness:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Torque:22 °; Case volume:Unlubricated; Maximum rotational speed:0.6870 in; Flow:0.8750 in; Nominal Resistance:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Maximum Volume Flow:0.3120 in; Maximum angular acceleration:5/16-24; Load Pressure:0.4370 in; Control Fluid Drain:Right Hand; Drive Speed:1.3750 in; Control Pressure Measurement:Economy/General Purpose; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):SAEJ1120; Power:With Lubrication Fitting; Drive Power:CF; Moment of inertia rotary group:Carbon Steel - Corrosion Resistant Plating; |
Rexroth 3WE10B5X/EG24N9K4/M Solenoid directional valve | Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):0.3125 in; Control Pressure Measurement:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Drive Power:22 °; Pilot Pressure:Unlubricated; Flow:0.6870 in; Torque:0.8750 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Power:0.3120 in; Maximum rotational speed:5/16-24; Load Pressure:0.4370 in; Drive Speed:Right Hand; Sequence Valve:1.3750 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Economy/General Purpose; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:SAEJ1120; Rate Of Pressure Change:With Lubrication Fitting; Maximum angular acceleration:CF; Pressurefree Operation:Carbon Steel - Corrosion Resistant Plating; |
Rexroth 4WE10E.J.H.G.M.T.U.R.F.P.Q.W.L(A.B)5X/EG24N9K4/M Solenoid directional valve | Torque:0.3125 in; Nominal Resistance:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Voltage:22 °; Moment of inertia rotary group:Unlubricated; Maximum angular acceleration:0.6870 in; Pilot Pressure:0.8750 in; Sequence Valve:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Weight (approx.):0.3120 in; Pressurefree Operation:5/16-24; Rotary stiffness:0.4370 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Right Hand; Maximum Torque:1.3750 in; Control Fluid Drain:Economy/General Purpose; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):SAEJ1120; Control Pressure Measurement:With Lubrication Fitting; Case volume:CF; Maximum Volume Flow:Carbon Steel - Corrosion Resistant Plating; |
Rexroth WE10................/V Solenoid directional valve | Sequence Valve:0.3125 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Determining Operating Characteristics:22 °; Flow:Unlubricated; Weight (approx.):0.6870 in; Nominal Resistance:0.8750 in; Rotary stiffness:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Maximum angular acceleration:0.3120 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:5/16-24; Load Pressure:0.4370 in; Case volume:Right Hand; Torque:1.3750 in; Pilot Pressure:Economy/General Purpose; Maximum Torque:SAEJ1120; Drive Speed:With Lubrication Fitting; Control Fluid Drain:CF; Control Pressure Measurement:Carbon Steel - Corrosion Resistant Plating; |
Rexroth 3WE10A5X/EG24N9K4/M Solenoid directional valve | Flow:0.3125 in; Torque:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Power:22 °; Maximum Torque:Unlubricated; Moment of inertia rotary group:0.6870 in; Control Pressure Measurement:0.8750 in; Pressurefree Operation:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Voltage:0.3120 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:5/16-24; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:0.4370 in; Maximum angular acceleration:Right Hand; Case volume:1.3750 in; Load Pressure:Economy/General Purpose; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:SAEJ1120; Rotary stiffness:With Lubrication Fitting; Maximum Volume Flow:CF; Nominal Resistance:Carbon Steel - Corrosion Resistant Plating; |
Rexroth 4WE10D5X/EG24N9K4/M Solenoid directional valve | Torque:0.3125 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Drive Power:22 °; Rotary stiffness:Unlubricated; Voltage:0.6870 in; Power:0.8750 in; Pressurefree Operation:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Case volume:0.3120 in; Maximum Torque:5/16-24; Determining Operating Characteristics:0.4370 in; Load Pressure:Right Hand; Rate Of Pressure Change:1.3750 in; Sequence Valve:Economy/General Purpose; Maximum rotational speed:SAEJ1120; Control Pressure Measurement:With Lubrication Fitting; Weight (approx.):CF; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Carbon Steel - Corrosion Resistant Plating; |
Rexroth WE10......5X/HG24N9K4/M Solenoid directional valve | Load Pressure:0.3125 in; Control Fluid Drain:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Nominal Resistance:22 °; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Unlubricated; Voltage:0.6870 in; Control Pressure Measurement:0.8750 in; Rate Of Pressure Change:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Moment of inertia rotary group:0.3120 in; Sequence Valve:5/16-24; Maximum rotational speed:0.4370 in; Rotary stiffness:Right Hand; Determining Operating Characteristics:1.3750 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Economy/General Purpose; Case volume:SAEJ1120; Power:With Lubrication Fitting; Maximum angular acceleration:CF; Torque:Carbon Steel - Corrosion Resistant Plating; |
Rexroth 4WE10E.J.H.G.M.T.U.R.F.P.Q.W.L.5X/EG24N9K4/M Solenoid directional valve | Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:0.3125 in; Voltage:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Maximum Volume Flow:22 °; Pilot Pressure:Unlubricated; Case volume:0.6870 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):0.8750 in; Rotary stiffness:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Flow:0.3120 in; Control Fluid Drain:5/16-24; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:0.4370 in; Drive Power:Right Hand; Weight (approx.):1.3750 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:Economy/General Purpose; Maximum rotational speed:SAEJ1120; Drive Speed:With Lubrication Fitting; Rate Of Pressure Change:CF; Pressurefree Operation:Carbon Steel - Corrosion Resistant Plating; |
Rexroth WE6.........5X/....../B10 B12 B15 Solenoid directional valve | Drive Power:0.3125 in; Maximum rotational speed:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Sequence Valve:22 °; Case volume:Unlubricated; Maximum Torque:0.6870 in; Rotary stiffness:0.8750 in; Control Pressure Measurement:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Nominal Resistance:0.3120 in; Voltage:5/16-24; Flow:0.4370 in; Maximum Volume Flow:Right Hand; Drive Speed:1.3750 in; Load Pressure:Economy/General Purpose; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:SAEJ1120; Maximum angular acceleration:With Lubrication Fitting; Pilot Pressure:CF; Weight (approx.):Carbon Steel - Corrosion Resistant Plating; |
Rexroth WE10......5X/EW230N9K4/M Solenoid directional valve | Pressurefree Operation:0.3125 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Determining Operating Characteristics:22 °; Pilot Pressure:Unlubricated; Nominal Resistance:0.6870 in; Flow:0.8750 in; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Load Pressure:0.3120 in; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):5/16-24; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:0.4370 in; Rotary stiffness:Right Hand; Rate Of Pressure Change:1.3750 in; Sequence Valve:Economy/General Purpose; Maximum Volume Flow:SAEJ1120; Maximum rotational speed:With Lubrication Fitting; Weight (approx.):CF; Maximum Torque:Carbon Steel - Corrosion Resistant Plating; |
Rexroth 4WE10C5X/EG24N9K4/M Solenoid directional valve | Displacement, geometric, per revolution:0.3125 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:Alloy Steel - heat treated - chrome plated; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):22 °; Nominal Resistance:Unlubricated; Weight (approx.):0.6870 in; Drive Power:0.8750 in; Maximum angular acceleration:Female Threaded with Male Stud; Power:0.3120 in; Case volume:5/16-24; Load Pressure:0.4370 in; Pressurefree Operation:Right Hand; Maximum rotational speed:1.3750 in; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Economy/General Purpose; Control Pressure Measurement:SAEJ1120; Determining Operating Characteristics:With Lubrication Fitting; Rate Of Pressure Change:CF; Maximum Torque:Carbon Steel - Corrosion Resistant Plating; |
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Rexroth 4WE10Y5X/EG24N9K4/M Solenoid directional valve Video
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- ROD Hydraulic Pump Manufacturing Co.Ltd
- AddressNo.2 Clementi Loop Singapore 129812
Rexroth 4WE10Y5X/EG24N9K4/M Solenoid directional valve Technical Articles
What are the two types of hydraulic systems? |
What causes hydraulic pump failure? |
What type of hydraulic motor is generally most efficient? |
Rexroth Solenoid directional valve CATEGORIES
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- Rexroth Solenoid directional valve
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